
Showing posts from May, 2017

Emotional Pain

Many people have no idea what goes along with chronic pain. By this I mean the emotional toll it takes on the person with chronic pain and those around them. At first, everyone is upset and confused. It takes a long time in that stage. Then, it turns to anger and annoyance. That sticks around for a long time as well. There's all sorts of emotions that my parents felt because they had to watch their little girl fight a battle they never thought would happen. Sure, they expected bumps and bruises or little things here and there. Never anything like chronic pain. As my mom says "I didn't know I had to worry about that." (That being JRA) I eventually learned I had to give my dad 'jobs' so he felt like he could do something for me since he hates so much he can't get rid of my pain. So, I always asked (still do) for him to cook for me. My love for food I think comes partly from this. If he didn't cook, we would go out to eat. I learned what I liked and d...

Unexpected Pros and Cons

I never expected myself to be where I am today and have experienced all the things I have so far in my twenty-one years on earth. I have been told that I seem wise beyond my years or that I have an old soul. I actually do not agree with this at all. Why? I was forced to grow up and forced to feel and experience things that many people my age have never had. Or, if they have, their outlook is totally different. I can tell you my truth of the things I have been through and that truth is only true for me and may not be true for you, so keep that in mind. With all that being said, I want to tell you where I thought I would be and why I'm so glad I'm where I am now instead. When I was little, I wanted to be a vet to only dogs because I didn't like cats. I thought I would go to school with all my friends and then go to the high school up the road from me. I thought the dogs I had would be with me for a long time. I thought that you were old when you were in your twenties....