
Showing posts from February, 2018

Knocked Down

One of the many things that people do not tell you when you're diagnosed with JRA is that you sacrifice  so much to be able to do some of the things you love for the consequences that your body will inevitably face. This is something I have struggled with since I can remember and it's still something I really wish I had a better way of handling. But, on top of this, when you get sick it takes a long time to feel 'normal' again (whatever that normal is for you). Something that I am struggling with currently is being able to keep up. I recently found a good group of people to be hanging around and as all new friendships go, I have to explain that there are some things I just can't do or I am slow. I find myself feeling guilty for pushing myself to walk fast when everyone is at a certain pace or I feel strange asking them to slow down for me. It's an internal battle that I have always had. Most people understand but many forget which is okay. I'm okay with pe